Folic Acid dosage ?
Hello! i’m at 4wks now have yet to see a gynae/doc yet cos i have yet to decide which gynae to go to. i went to pharmacy to buy folic acid and is 5mg 🤣 can i know the recommended dosage for folic acid ? did i buy a wrong one ? or i have to consume multiple pills instead of just 1 pill a day? #folicacid #1sttime_mommy #cluelessme

I bought 5mg tablet from guardian pharmacy when I realised I was pregnant after testing at clinic at 5 weeks. GP told me to get 5mg/tablet from pharmacy and consume, just 1 tablet per day. important to take it as early as possible cos it helps w fetus spinal growth and reduce the risk of spinal defects. congratulations to u too! can arrange for gynae appt from week 6 onwards and probably can see a sac w embryo by then. also, bonus if u can see it flickering as it is an indication of the heartbeat! :)
Read moreYou may want to refer to the recommended daily dosage on the packaging, usually it is stated on the bottle and you may follow suits for now till you consult your gynae if there is a need to adjust the dosage. Take care mama!
oh! I don't think anyone here should advice on the dosage for you! I went to my gynae when I was about 6 weeks preg and then started taking prescribed folic acid and other supplements from him. congratulations!
400 to 800mg is the standard recommended by Dr! Though, only 5mg will be absorbed iirc, not sure why do we have to take in so much for such a small absorption amount 😂
thank you for sharing hehee 🤪 did you bought any of the folic acid outside ? hehee i worried 4wks gynae not seeing me 🤣 but i didn’t consume before preggy so was thinking to consume asap 🥲
Hi I have started my folic acid from 8th week onwards once I got confirmed, u r 4 weeks means u can wait for some time until u see the gynae than multiple dosages
Np stay safe n congratulations
Congrats on your pregnancy. I remembered my doctors also gave me folic acid, then slowly become more.
hello jing! xiexie ni!! ☺️❤️ hehee ! everyday hoping the day past faster 🤣 i wan go see gynae i feel that i still paranoid until i see it 😆
Gynae says it’s fine to take OTC folic 5mg. One pill a day. So I’ve been doing that.
thank you so much for sharing ! 😊 makes me feel secured hehee !
i have also been taking 5mg, prescribed by gynae. no issues!
thank you for sharing!! hehee 😍
one pill per day is sufficient!
thanks samantha 😍
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