Itchy spots on body
I'm 14 weeks now and I had developed alot of - not so sure what to call it, spots? hives? rashes? - developing on my body, esp my upper thighs, back, chest, and both my arms. It was really itchy when it developed like 2-3 weeks ago. Although its less itchy now, there are lots of it still on my body. Should I be worried? Any of you faced/are facing this? What did you do about it?

I faced the same issues and it’s known as PUPPP rash. I seen GP and also the dermatologist at KKH. Was recommended to use Cetaphil to shower and to apply thick moisturising cream. I was also given very light steroid cream and to apply only very thin layer. I also bought Suu Balm moisturiser as it is cooling. For now I try to avoid heat cos that seems to be the trigger to make it worst for me. They gave me anti histamine too but I didn’t take them as it was still tolerable for me.
Read moreI recommend you see your Gynae too. Usually your gynae is equipped to deal with it as long as it’s at its early stage. Mine got so bad that my gynae had to refer me to a dermatologist and I was on MC the next 5 days. My skin also took almost 1 month to recover from the whole rash episode. However, my condition was not PUPP, but rather, pregnancy eczema.
Read moreI was in my second trimester. If it’s really bad, you might want to see a dermatologist instead. My dermatologist was a life saver. She prescribed me some anti-histamine and topical steroids alongside with some moisturizers that really helped to stop the itch within a few days. However, I had to be patient and wait out for almost an entire month for my skin to clear up. Hope this helps!
Hi, may I ask what happen to u in the end? What did the doctor advise? I'm experiencing it since I find myself pregnant and I am 13 weeks now. Nothing the doctor prescribed or recommend help me.
i could tell u what happened but #mombrain now. if i can recall, i applied a cream which was prescribed by the gp. it took a while for the rashes to subside and get better. it does disappear and did not reappear for the rest of my pregnancy. i am fine and so is baby. guess it was just something hormonal? not too sure, but i do hope u get better as i know its reslly annoying and itchy. take care.
You should ask the doctor about this. I get acne/pimples (and I’m 16 weeks). And also a rash developed on the back of my neck without me knowing, started bleeding and now scabbing over.
ouch... did you go to te doc and asked? i hv an appt soon so i will check abt this then.
Hi there, I would suggest that you should consult your gynae as soon as things get worst.
Hi.. yup definitely will. thanks.
Hi... I would suggest that you visit your gynecologist to get treatment and medications
Hi.. yup will be visiting them soon to ask too.. so in the meantime just asking here. thank you tho!
Mummy to a little prince