Is it safe to eat cup noodles?

I’m 11 weeks now and have been experiencing very bad nausea ever since I found out I was pregnant. My appetite was so bad that I could only stomach certain kinds of food that are mild tasting and “safe”. I can’t eat too much at one go too, I will feel very sick. So I get hungry every 1-3hrs. Sometimes I even get hungry 15mins after a meal. There is one food that I will always crave and can manage to finish the portion. That is my favourite cup noodle. So far I’ve been eating it 1-2 times a week. I know I’m not supposed to as per reading online, but sometimes I get so hungry and crave for that. I will ask my gynae when I see her next week. But I’m just wondering if any of you guys have the same cravings and how much of instant noodle do you eat.

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I'm also pregnant and I do indulge myself with cup noodles occasionally (maybe around twice a week). I feel most importantly is eat whatever you can stomach for now. if you want, you can add an egg inside to make you feel less guilty about it ☺️

It is OK as long as you have a balanced diet so must eat healthily on other days. Best is try not to finish the soup in the cup noodles. I do eat instant noodles but I cook it dry so I don't drink the soup or I just drink a little bit only. I will also eat the instant noodles with eggs and vegetables to make it a "balanced diet"

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During my pregnancy, i ate instant noodles at least once a week (it was like a cheat day for me when hubby is off to work). I've delivered my baby 25 days ago and we are all fine. I've also regained to my weight before pregnancy.

I personally feel is ok, rat whatever comfortable. my cousin told me, after eating instant noodle, take a kiwi somehow is a balanced, I am not so sure, but whenever I ate instant noodle, I have a kiwi after that 😅


sounds fine... hope ur appetite gets better 💕