I'm 1 week PPD .. I suddenly cry a few times today and feel that my mil nagging irritable... I don't feel like waking up for the baby as well.. First few days I'm ok .. I'm wondering am I suffering from depression.. How can I overcome this.... I feel so down

Hi mummy! First of all, big hugs to you and congrats on your newborn! It is not easy facing this new role as a mummy and it is good that you are aware of the condition of depression as recognizing the signs is the first step to getting better. Feeling irritable and emotional are common after delivery due to hormonal changes. That being said, it is good to keep a lookout for some signs where professional help may be required. The most common postpartum depression symptoms are: Social withdrawal, low energy, decreased sex drive, exhaustion and an overwhelming sense of despair. Here is an article with a list of common and the not-so-common signs of Postpartum Depression that you can look out for: http://sg.theasianparent.com/8-unexpected-symptoms-of-postpartum-depression/ According to this article, these are signs which most are unaware of. So, also keep a lookout for these signs as well: - frequent headaches, stomach upsets and even panic attacks. - having intrusive, disturbing thoughts. Usually, these thoughts will often revolve around the baby and scenarios that involve accidents, injuries and even the death of the little one and will leave you in a frightened and anxious state - eating much more than usual, and even after you are full - seemed to be frequently having brain fog. It could start by having difficulty in remembering things, inability to multitask, inability to finish even a simple task, and just going through the day as if in a daze. - appear disconnected from your life and no longer cared about your appearance, the family or the baby - often angry or irritated. At the tiniest provocation, you will yell at everyone, throw things, or stomp her feet in frustration. - appear to have bonding issues with the baby. May feel distant, uninterested and sometimes even resentful of the baby. Take care mummy! We are all here for you. If you feel that you may be experiencing PPD, do share your thoughts with your loved ones, and seek professional help if needed.
Read moreHello mummy! Congrats on the arrival of your newborn. The most important thing is to cut off all negativity now. Who are the closest people to you that you know will lend a listening ear and helping hand and will not chide you? If it's your mom or sis or hubby or a best friend, then do talk to them and let them know what you are feeling and going through. Do not bottle up your frustration. Abt the mil nagging - if you can, tell the 'middleman' - your hubby to stop your mil from commenting or nagging too much. If she is not helping you with your confinement, then tell your hubby to convey to her that you need more rest and do not let her visit your home too frequently. The last thing you want, is any unhappiness or depression as you should instead be happily taking care and cuddling your newborn. Sorry to say this, but some mils can be super irritating and best is to cut them off temporarily as the first 4 weeks are very critical for a mummy to rest, recuperate and rejuvenate. jia you jia you! speak to people who will give u utmost support. dont bottle it up!
Read moreHi there, all that you are feeling, the baby blues are very normal during the first couple of weeks after childbirth. Abou 80 percent of new moms experience these blues. Alot of it has to do with the changes your body is going through as your hormone levels drop and just the sheer exhaustion after giving birth. They say a woman risks her life each time she gives birth, so the crying and blues come with the territory. Emotionally, you may feel anxious about your baby's well-being, your transition to motherhood, or adjusting to your new routine. All this can be pretty overwhelming. No treatment is necessary other than reassurance, support from family and friends, rest, and time. Eat healthy, rest and bond with your baby. Get as much sleep as you can cos sleep deprivation added on to all the emotional and physical changes can make things worst. Hang in there mommy!
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Very normal mummy. Sorry you feel this way. Many of my mummy friends feel this way. You should make sure u are resting well. Do you have anyone helping you out with baby right now?