Bleeding after pregnancy sex

Ilang days bago mawala spotting? Do I need to go to the OB right away? Last night lang kami nagDO, this morning umonti na yung spotting..wala din ako nararamdaman na masakit.

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As per my OB, okay lang magcontact/ sex during pregnancy. But once magcause sya ng spotting/ bleeding, need to report it ASAP. Because it may mean, senstive ang cervix mo.

Mabuti na magpacheck ka kasi hinde normal bleeding. Me mga case na after sex kasi nag open cervix nila.

VIP Member

Baka my subchorionic hemorrhage, punta ka sa ob para makapag request ng transV or ultrasound

Hindi po sya normal. Punta ka sa OB niyo po

VIP Member

maselan ka. not normal.