Does it help to engage a helper if considering to have second baby with history of postpArtum depression for first
If financial means allows of course. Thanks for sharing

If you think that getting a helper will give you little relaxation and peace of mind, then you should definitely get one. Also, if having one of the family members help, then please consider that too. It is always good to have a family member around when you want some warm and relaxing time for your upcoming baby :)
Read moreI would consider getting a helper so that they can help out with the housework and I can rest and attend to baby. I would also consider getting help from my mom and mom in law with the baby. It's a win-win situation. Grandmas get quality time with baby and mama gets me-time!
Definitely! please do engage a helper. Doesn't necessary have to be a helper. if your mom or mil is willing to help out in some ways, that will be a bonus too. Motherhood should be a pleasant journey so get all the help you can if you are financially comfortable(:
It’s not guaranteed you will experience the same thing with your second even though you went through it with your first. If now, you’re ok already, it’s definitely worth considering.