Is ur boss understanding or accommodating?
Hi, i am wondering if your boss is understanding and accommodating with regards to you being pregnant. I can't help but feel that the workforce here is nt exactly supportive to us mummies/pregnant mummies. Its my 2nd time pregnant and this time I'm in a different company. Both times, i feel the bosses are not that understanding. After annoucing I'm pregnant, im still being micro managed, given tons of work with tight deadlines. Im not asking for no work but with the not feeling well on n off, mc for check up, i really can't finish the tasks in such a tight time and i am trying to avoid working OT. Im not sure how to let my boss understand without making my performance looks bad. Sometimes i also wonder, Govt wants us to give birth but it's just so hard. Do they know how hard it is and have they provided enough info, educate or help employers so they can prehaps treat pregnant mummies with more understanding? Curious to know if your bosses are like that too.

It is definitely not an easy balancing act. It is my 1st pregnancy and having a tough time from start till now (almost 8 months) as I was puking for the first 4 months, down with infection for 2 months and bad pelvic pain and swelling. But I've rejected all the hosp leave that my ob gyn has offered so far as I know that no matter how progressive a company is, there are individuals who do not embrace the same views. I have single colleagues who told me it's not fair that they have to be "penalised" to do extra for someone who is sick or on maternity. I've pushed off my family planning until I have secured my promotion tbh as I know I'll be compromised for the promo if I'm away. Thankfully my current bosses have been letting me wfh, so in return I try not to take leave, even though I was puking in between meetings. You may want to try taking nap/rest during lunch time. It's not easy - talk to your spouse and discuss your options. You'll suffer if your body can't keep up.
Read moreThank god for me bosses were understanding for both pregnancy though for the first i took a lot of MC or leave and my manager wasn't happy. But, they knew my first was pretty tough due to short hand n that period of time I had no working partner, till two weeks before I took ML. As for second pregnancy, it was so much worse from MC to HL because of me having AUR during first tri. To then, I decided to drop two weeks notice but my bosses offered other position with being in the back of office instead of FO. Indeed I am lucky my bosses,OM and manager were very good. I took the decision to resign because I wasn't feeling good, it was tough being in out hosp and being in FO. I was allowed to seat down, shared load with colleagues of course still meeting deadlines. I am still workaholic at tt point but I took a handbrake when needed.
Read moreyea i feel you. everything was okay before i told my boss i am preggy . after that, can tell he not happy about it. he started to micro manage me anf stress me and also refused to let me wfh when it was discussed during interview. i guess my situation is also a combo of poor sales + i just started job in oct 2022. he bring up paycut and retrenchment more then once ( because sale is not good). he knows he cant just fire me and his wife is HR in E&Y. so i guess that why he used retrenchment. it was affecting me alot, i cannot eat, i feel cramp and i decided F it. i quit, my health and bb health is more important. its only 3 months away from my edd but well, my health and mental health is more important. i cannot risk this pregnancy. lucky my hubby is supportive and we are fortunate to be able to survive on hubby income.
Read moreIt must has been tough on u 😔 My situation is slightly different. my bosses and colleagues are still understanding when I need to take off for check up etc. but it is the job nature that requires me to do quite a bit of traveling, and days are filled with long and unproductive meetings, so I have to either wake up early or stay up late to clear the backend workload. The stress has affected my sleep and I always get anxiety when Mondays come. Unfortunately both my pregnancy ended in miscarriage, 6 months apart. As much as I know good colleagues are hard to find, I want to focus on my mental well being next and I am mentally prepared to take a pay cut in exchange for a less stressful/demanding job. I hope U will slowly find ways to cope with issues at work too. Take care!
Read moreI used to have bosses that are micro managing & even asking me to be fair to the rest of my team mates by not taking too much HL/MC. But I stood firm by telling him that I’m really not feeling well. It was my first trimester. So was quite bad and depressing. Thankfully now, I’ve changed to a new job. Though scope also doesn’t allow me to wfh but my lady boss is still very understanding. I guess we need to have bosses that have experiences with childbirth so that they’ll be more understanding towards you when preggy. Not easy to be a working mum. Remember that you’re not alone, and stay positive always! 😊
Read moreI know how u feel. I feel my boss also not so supportive when knowing I'm preg.if they are women will they understand better? I wish I can wfh as a diff case for now. travel by mrt every morning is not easy as I feel my morning illness. and some ppl in mrt really don't offer seat. morning ppl rushing will accidentally hit many worries. I hope more n more people should learn to feel preg themself. you don worry so much. if you feel overload please discuss with your boss. you need to also enjoy preg with baby for a healthy baby
Read moreWells. My boss was quite understanding and cos I was wfh so not too much of a problem and he was kind enough not to let me stay too long for a meeting. I find that generally bosses still hope we meet the kpi despite being pregnant. But it’s important that you prioritise your physical and mental health and don’t strain yourself too much. Perhaps you can try talking to your boss to manage expectations that you might take abit more time to manage your work due to changes in your body but you will try your best.
Read morei have managers not being understanding to me but its a surface understanding they are giving. you can feel it, be it they already have kids or they dont have any. but i set a one to one talk with my manager to set my expectation and also to let them know what i can do and what i will do.. and you will need to fulfill what was being communicated to your manager to not let them down. you cant expect managers to know what you are going thru, you have to ask for compromising workload during this period.
Read moreWell.... Its not a new thing that bosses are not happy or they understand. (due to most r either never pregnant before or they just hire ppl to take care their babies) U just do ur best at work.. Do what u have to. But if really unwell.. Take a day off n rest. Cause priories is u n the baby. Jia u!!!!! U can do it
Read moreI feel the same. Local workforce here is not supportive to us mummies. Had a previous superior who only wants to hire guys or single ladies cos he doesn't want our work to be impacted cos of the maternity leave. I also felt offended by my current boss' response when I told him I'm pregnant.