Teaching kids to treat helpers well

I witnessed a 5-year-old girl kicking her maid when she didn't get to have the lolly she was asking for. This happened in the MRT. This raised concerns in my mind (what if my kids one day do that to my helper too?) How can we teach our kids to treat our helpers well? #maids #fdw #helper

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Firstly, you should be treating ur maid well, like ur peer and not a surbodinate - at least not too much. Get the children to know that they must listen to the maid because she is an adult who is helping mummy and daddy look after them and if they misbehave mummy and daddy will cane them - it is best that this is repeatedly told to bothe the children and maid with both parties around. Also let ur maid know her limits when helping u parent ur child. Avoid severe words and actions towards ur maid infront of ur child because the child will learn. The rest is about being good boys and girls behavior

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My toddler just hit my maid. I made him stand in the corner and then explained to him that it's wrong to beat others, and maids are also humans and have mummy and daddy that will feel sad if they know their Daughter get hit. Made him go to her to say sorry.. Actually beating is a phase a lot of toddlers (and 5 year old I Guess) go through. Just continuously educate the kid... what to do...

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It depends on the age of the kids. If it is toddler, lead by example from young. If it bigger children especially those attending school, making them feel in the shoes of the person working better for me than forcibly apologies. My kids are using the same method now to resolve issue within themselves too.

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Totally agree with Ling. Children learn by example. If the adults treat the helper like a lowly servant then the children will learn and follow suit. And when there's no helper around anymore and parents grow old, the children will treat their parents in the same way. In a way, what goes around comes around.

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When parents see their kids acting this way with their helper they must discipline their child immediately. If they let this behaviour continue it will soon escalate out of control. ALso it’s critical that the parents see their own behaviour with the helper. Children are little copy cats 🐈

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The best way to teach a child is leading by example. Not by raising our voices or nagging. Kids learn the fastest by seeing. Nevertheless, i have to admit, i fail too. Hahaha

Lead by examples.