Hi all, has anyone of your helpers repeatedly asked for advance salary every month? We have had helpers for more than 2 decades and while they do ask from time to time, not to the extent of every month.. There was only one time when she borrowed more than her upcoming salary, but she paid it back (together with the next advance sum) after the following month. Usually, amount advance is not in full, a couple of hundred. So it is under the month's pay. Reasons given are: want to loan for investments back home (most often), father sick, mother sick, sister sick, children sick. So far with us for a slightly under 1.5 years but told us 1+ month ago she wishes to transfer as I'm due very very soon and she doesn't want to deal with a 4 yr old and a newborn baby. Work wise, a little odd, not necessarily someone who works well (always on self given break time, or on hp "secretly" while working.. does random things like keeps most of the meat/eggs for herself at any given meal and gives us bare minimum, almost mostly rice anhelper vegetables only but we are small eaters anyway so just tolerate). Do you repeatedly allow your helper to advance her salary? Is it normal? Should we continue to allow it? Especially she will be leaving soon, should we stop? #advicepls #helper
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Thinking of sending back our Filipino Helper but contract not finish yet
Hi parents! Just wondering if anyone here knows whether can send a helper back home without finishing her contract? we hired her under agency but since I have stopped working for the meantime and baby big enough to send to preschool, we wouldn’t need her around anymore. And have thought can save the money spend for a maid’s salary instead. Does anyone here had the same experience? Do i need to pay the agency some penalty fees whatever for not finishing the contract? I don’t want to ask the agent that helped us hire her coz I dont want her to contact and ask our helper if anything’s wrong. I will contact them once we’ve decided that we will end her contract, but for now just want to have some ideas . Also want to know whether maids that terminated before their contract will be sent back home or will stay at the agency’s staff house until their supposedly 2 years contract here is finished? #domestichelper #helperagency #advicepls #helper
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