7 Replies

oh my exact scenario. was supposed to be 6-7weeks but when I went for the first check it was too small to look like 6-7. So they got me back 2 weeks later to do another scan to check on the dating and if baby was viable so by right baby was supposed to be 8 weeks for the later scan but when they measured baby, it was only abt 6 weeks. I supposed the ovulation was late cuz I tested myself if I was pregnant on the day I was supposed to have my period, it was negative. then after few days, my period still didn't come so I tested again and I was positive this time. but yea just glad that everything is fine for now. I'm still doing a dating check next week though to make sure it's on track *cross fingers*

Same! During first visit, by calculation of last period should be at week 6, but on the scan it’s jus too small. So 2 weeks later I went back and scan again using transvaginal ultra sound (thinking it should be week 8 already) and it measured week 6 instead, so most likely the conception date and last period had some difference and we calculated 2 weeks more. So now we restart and base at week 6, in another 2 weeks will check again and see if it’s progressing normally.

Hi. What’s the update in your pregnancy? I’m experiencing the same thing now.

Based on the first day of my last period, I should be 8 weeks. But when I go for my first gynae appt at “8 weeks”, the ultrasound measured only 6 weeks. During my 2nd appt, supposedly 8 weeks based on first ultrasound, it then measured 9 weeks during the 2nd ultrasound. I asked my gynae and she explained that sometimes the ultrasound can’t measure accurate size while it’s still small, so usually need a few appts before can really tell the exact week you’re in.

Hi. How are you now? Everything went well ? I’m experiencing same thing now.

For me, my period had been very irregular. My last period was in end July. I tested early October and the positive line was faint (due to being very early in gestation). After a few scans within a period of 2 months, from the size and growth progression, baby was estimated to be conceived in September, not July or even August. I guess last day of period may not necessarily mean the start of gestational period.

I had the same experience. thought to be in week 7, ended up at week 5. Most prob due to my period cycle, becos on n off will delay few days. hence ovulation cycle is delayed too. I also had a transvaginal ultrasound cos it's too small. After 2 weeks, I went back again for abdominal scan and can hear his/her heartbeat

So now baby still 2 weeks behind or on track ?

I was supposed to be about 7 weeks but gynae did transvaginal ultrasound and measured saying I should be about 6 weeks instead and she scheduled me to go back after 4 weeks time for another scan. So I guess it's ok? And I also I was able to hear the heartbeat so amazing! So don't worry so much ya!

I had my first check at 8 weeks assuming that I was 10 weeks into my pregnancy. Gynae say it is probably the result of my irregular period. Don’t worry! Head back for your check in 2 weeks and you’ll likely hear baby’s heartbeat by then! :)

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