Check up

I went for a check up. At the time I was 6weeks 2 days pregnant. But during the scan they were not able to see my water bag or baby so they did virginal scan. They only saw a water bag and not able to see the baby. So the doctor ask me to come back 4th dec to scan again. I am worried. DiD some one had the same experience or anyone can advice me. Till then I am having a bad mood swing and not able to be myself.

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VIP Member

Oh dear, best to get your gynae to check again and to provide a better explanation, take care

Super Mum

6 weeks abit early to see baby. Wait till 7th week shld be able to see . Remain positive!

I faced this every pregnancy.. Could only see baby at almost 8weeks

VIP Member

Yes 6 weeks a bit too early to see much, only sac

VIP Member

Hope you and bb will be well 💕

During 8 weeks can hear heartbeat