KKH subsidised helpline
I understand that if we are under Gov hospital subsidies, our gynae will be different every visit. if I have any weird problems during pregnancy, who should I call? will they be able to help me?

Hi! From what I know--I might be wrong--there's a team of doctors who will assess your condition, but moving into delivery, you will get to choose your preferred obstetrician. So if you know who you want to pick, that might help. They'll probably also refer to previous visit records, when assessing your condition and are adequately equipped to handle.
Read moreHi :) The link on the previous reply is helpful. Yes, itll be different gynae for every visit. Best to identify who you are most comfortable with based on your visits so if you encounter any concerns along the way, you can consult that gynae.
Go straight to O&G 24 hours at KKH if you have any issues that are worrying or urgent. They have gynaes there who can help you.
Hi, here are some contacts that you can call KKH to check: https://www.kkh.com.sg/about-kkh/contact-us/key-contacts
I think if u feel uncomfortable, should head straight to A&E