Birth cert can retrieve from ica if im not wrong $40. For singapore health booklet u can purchase a new one. But from my experience the record in the book will be gone and will be given a basic health booklet from HPB. But maybe u can check at the hosp your child was born at ?
Health is so important for children and mothers. Especially in the first years of a child's life and during pregnancy. This is not the easiest period in the life of every woman, so at this time it is definitely worth paying more attention to mental health.
Yes, of course, pregnancy may be a joyful, but difficult time for a woman. In addition, the hormonal background at this time changes greatly.
A replacement of singapore health booklet can probably be purchased at the hospital where the child was born.
Birth cert is easy. But singapore health booklet u have to get back all the report from hospital is not so easy.
You will have to go to the hospital where your child was born and request for singapore health booklet.
Mum did you replace singapore health booklet. tell me how can I get it done?
A replacement of singapore health booklet is not easy
Jauz Chen