
I am recently tested pregnant and now trying to decide if I want to go down the government or private route. Do gynaes do ultrasounds and give pictures at every visit? What are the differences in choosing govt or private apart from the fees and choosing of gynaes?

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i was a KKH subsidised patient and enjoyed the cheaper fees for consults and scans till Wk 24 . Later i decided to convert to private KKH gynae ( paid for the package which has all in) because i needed peace of mind of knowing who will be monitoring me and delivering my baby. In KKH, i def got pics during all the scan visits (as long as apptmt says ADC) and if not, the doc consult will monitor heartbeat. If you intend to go to private hospital, the costs is actually more expensive and you will have to put down a deposit closer to 3rd trimester. Bear in mind also if any conplications arise, they will still send u to KKH. That was the decision point for me as i am an older mum.

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