I recently suffered a miscarriage and I am so worried I won't be able to conceive again. Has anybody faced the same issue and conceived after a while?

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I had a miscarriage in 2015. another one in 2017. then I conceived again in 2018. now my baby is 2 years and 5 months. so its very possible

I had a miscarriage as well recently 3weeks ago were planning to have again a baby is it ok to take a folic acid now? thankyou

3y ago


I miscarried on Christmas last year and ended up pregnant again 2 weeks later I am now 16 weeks and 2 days with a healthy hyper babyboy

Will get preggy again. In fact do a mini confinement and when u are ready start trying. 1st half Yr very fertile. Jia you!

Jgn sdih sis.. Sya pun mcm tu dulu.. Bykkn berdoa.. Inshaallah ada rzki lagi nnti.. Yg penting jgn stress tau.

VIP Member

Yes i experience miscarriage twice but after a year i was able to conceive my baby girl who is 1 yrs old now.

Dun worry.. I had miscarriage on early Feb.. allamdulillah now I'm 7 weeks pregnant 😊

My SIL got pregnant straight after losing her first pregnancy. Last month she delivered a healthy baby

5y ago

how come?how long she tried to conceive?

Hi I've stopped my pill in November last year ever since we been trying nd nothings happining

5y ago

Hey try having a papsm don on you but have it done 18 days after your periods

I miscarried at 6 weeks and got pregnant 2 weeks later and am now 15 weeks 2m

5y ago

How about ur period ?