I noticed that my 13months old baby starts screaming and rolling over when she did not get what she wants. Any thoughts on this? How do you deal with this phase.?
It's normal for a 2-year-old toddler, mommy. They still don't know how to control themselves yet. That's why when they're mad, they don't know the proper way on how to express themselves that's why they just roll over and throw a tantrum. Just like us, adults, if we like something and we don't get it, we're being disappointed. It's just that, we know how to manage our emotions well and we know how to properly react to the situation. As time goes by, your toddler will eventually learn how to manage their emotions. You just have to give her your proper guidance, and lots of patience! :D
Magbasa paI think any child around that age is bound to show some signs of tantrums. My daughter was definitely a bit more emotional after year one, so I guess it's totally normal! In any case, I think it's all about patience, and diligence. I think this article could really help you out! Take a look for awesome, helpful tips: https://ph.theasianparent.com/defuse-tantrums-with-these-tantrum-stoppers/
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