21 Replies

fed is best mummy. full tummy happy baby. ofcourse try alternate between latching or give breastmilk but if your supply is low and its taking a toll on your mental health you can supplement w formula. i had a hard time bf my bb. he refuses to latch at first. i tried to pump but as weeks goes by even w power pumping my breastmilk only covered for floor of the bottle. depressing. i ate legendairy supplements, red date teas, lactation cookies, massage, and im still pumping less thn 10ml. as he gets better i direct latch him. only still need to supplement w formula. i have come to terms w myself that my supply is low. you just do whatever makes you happy okay. dont let other people decide for you. sometimes people dont understand what it is like to have super low supply, or when its making you depressed. to them theres no such thing probably because they werent in your shoes. so mummy, you do you.

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If you’re afraid your milk supply won’t be enough, there’s nothing wrong with using formula to supplement. My milk supply dropped when my LO turn 5-6months. But I still want to bf him. So I went to see a lactation doctor. Breastfeeding isn’t just about feeding your LO, but it’s also about your mental and physical health. If pumping all the time is going to tire you out, you can just fully go with FM. You can play and do activities with your baby instead of being attached to a pump all the time. That’s a plus point if you just do FM.


Hello there Mommy, I experienced the same and felt I had low milk supply at 2 weeks from giving birth but it's actually normal. I learned from some vlogger moms that we can schedule our pumping accordingly in the day so we won't get worned out. I tried doing power up pump, and now have pump schedule 4 times a day and the milk I expressed is eventually getting more than enough for my baby. Taking malunggay/moringa supplements and drinking at least 3 liters of water has helped me in my breastfeeding journey too. FM is also fine though but giving BM to our babies is still the best according to Pediatricians.

same situation here. my baby is 2 weeks old and im already trying to suppress my bm. she was latching the first few days but kept crying after feeding so idk if she did have enough milk. a few days later, she refused to latch already so i used bottle and feed her mix of bm+fm. pumping every two-three hours is very tiring, physically and emotionally especially having to wake up in the middle of the night. you are not alone. i’ve talked to one of my friends who only bf her baby exclusively for few weeks. she advised me not to be pressured to bf. do what works for you. 👍🏼

September when i gave birth to my boy same thing happened to me but people around me told me what to do so is up to you to decide. If you wanna continue letting your baby have breast milk, you can try power pump once or twice a day (pump 20 mins, rest 10 mins, pump 10 mins, rest 10 mins), have lactation food, drink milk, consume greek yogurt, lactation cookies, brownies or even consume oats these boost milk supply, consume them an hour before pump. Lactation food you can look for Bakingmama or Chubs from Instagram.

Hi mummy... I am same with you... my baby was dehydrated upon discharge from Hospital and was ask to top up Formula... I try to latch and top up of cuz I feel tired as both nipples are really in pain... tired of keep waking up and pump. BUT I know that breast milk is the best for my baby... So in order to not make myself tired, I actually did mixed feed.. Morning to evening bb drink breast milk, night time bb drink formula and I just do the pump to express out milk... currently bb coming 5 months

Super Mum

Hi dear. My supply only became enough after a month. Please don’t feel stressed about yours:) topping up with formula is perfectly fine. Breastmilk has benefits including boosting baby’s immune system, preventing obesity, bonding between mummy and baby, helping you lose weight, etc. But of course, if you don’t wish to continue, that’s also okay. Baby will still grow up well. So you can decide what’s best for you and your little one:) and be happy with your decision:)

VIP Member

I mixed feed my baby until he turned 1.5 month. My supply comes in after 1 month and now fully BF him. 10 months! Its perfectly fine if you want to give him FM or BF but best to continue with BM until he is 6 months. My SIL is giving her daughter full FM since born and she is growing well. Remember as long as you are happy and not stress, its really up to you! Ignore wat others have to say. Its your life and your baby as long as you baby is healthy! ❤️

Super Mum

Hi mama, Any amount of breastmilk that you give baby is beneficial - even if you’ve made the decision to supplement :) If you want to consider latching baby more often, I’d advise to see an IBCLC to help establish a good latch so that you have more option when feeding baby. At 10 days your breastmilk supply hasn’t been well established yet. Everything takes practice, including pumping, so remember to be gentle and patient with yourself.

I can totally feel you mummy! My daughter is 1 month+, while I know breastfeeding is best for her, I can't helped feeling tired of feeding (esp when she throws tantrum while latching) and tired of pumping. But breastmilk is still the best for babies, so I'm pressing on and trying to feed her for six months. I do supplement her with formula milk as well, as it keeps her fuller and can sleep better in the night.

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