I made pumpkin porridge for 6mth old. but got extra. can store in fridge or freeze?
I not sure bc i thought got saying porridge cannot keep if not got "wind"
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VIP Member
Mummies will freeze instead.
May have to stored properly.
Yeah I heard it too.
I personally think porridge cook while fresh is better.
I always cook daily , jz nice for lo 1 or 2 meal.
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Super Mum
Old Chinese belief that porridge give wind so cannot store overnight. Up to you to believe.
VIP Member
Hi... if you can finish the porridge it’s better. If not, freeze and store
I think cook fresh daily better if you got the time..
Super Mum
Can but not advisable
Super Mum
Freeze in individual portions, so you can heat it up one portion at a time for subsequent meals. There are individual storage containers and ice cube-like storage trays you can buy