59 Replies

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I ❤️ My Daddy because he's the best dad I have ever seen. He took up odd jobs and always pushing himself to the limit yet when he comes home, he never once grumble to us. He always ensure he wears a smile and check on us if we are doing well and if we need any help in anything. I felt that he is really very tough and it serves as a strong pillar to our family. Importantly, he is the motivation in my life. Push our limits, skies is the boundaries. He is also the sunshine in our family, no matter how difficult it is, even in this covid situation, he is always staying positive and believe we can tide through together as a family. As such, it also influence my morales & principles in life, I will follow him and pass on to my child that we should be like him, strong, motivated, positive 💪 Thank you & we really appreciate all the efforts u have done for us. ❤️

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I love My Daddy because he always put his family first. I would like to thank you my dad for his unconditional love for the family. Being the sore breadwinner, he strive hard so as to provide a comfortable life for the family. Despite all the tiredness he had, he will spend time talking to us. Now that I am married with kid, my dad will still visit my family every weekend. He is my dad, my best friend, my listening ear and my advisor. I would to take this opportunity to thank you him for everything that he has done with us and be there with us always. Thank you for showering us with all the love and give us the best. I love you daddy. Thank you for being such a wonderful Father.

I love my daddy because he is my 1st hero in my life. He is a sole breadwinner of the family. A hardworking man who work so hard to bring food on the table and pay the bills. He sacrifice his 'me' time just to spend time with us. Whatever he earned is never for himself, everything for the family. Whenever he come back home, he always has a smile on his face, never had he complained how tough sometimes at work might be. He always making sure that everyone in the house is comfortable. Every end of the month he would bring us out for dinner and every end of the year to bring us for a holiday. I miss you daddy! 😘

I love my dad because he never fails to go the extra mile and sacrifices sleep for his kids despite his busy schedule. He will never express that he is tired even though we can all see how much work takes a toll on him as a sole breadwinner to feed my family of 6. I’m so thankful that he exists because he really is the rock that helps to hold my family together, places food on the table and ensures everyone is happy at the end of the day. He is kind and courageous and will always be my number one superhero. I love you Papa. You’re the reason I am fearless. I’m so glad I’m a carbon copy of you. ♥️

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I love my dad because he always sacrifice his 'me' time for us. I never know how much he has sacrificed, until I began my journey as a mother of 2 kids. Juggling between work, household chores and kids is never easy. My dad even work extra over time-to bring us overseas, our house handy man and even helped up with chores at home even though mum was a housewife. Also, he never really set high expectations on us and always there with us even during his off days. Salute to the first man that brought me into this world, and always go all out to bring the world to us. ❤ Love you dad.

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I ❤️my papa (Daddy) lots lots lots coz he ❤️'s my mum as she is a very short tempered person but NVR will daddy get mad at her or ME... He will always make time for me... Bring me to school in the morning n also sings NURSERY RHYMES for me n of course surprise me wif ALOT OF GIFTS n I have to SAY ALL DAD'S R GIFT FM GOD but MINE IS SUPERB SPECIAL COZ... HE does all tis for me in his WHEELCHAIR he drives me to school in his motorise scooter n even hold my hands n make me walk when he CAN"T walk but he kiss my FEETS n KEEP MOTIVATING ME... My papa is MY SUPERHERO

i ❤my daddy because he is a responsible person - responsible as a son for his parents, as a good brother among his siblings, as husband for my mum, responsible as a dad for his children, as a good friends among his buddy and as a good boss for his employees. The toughest time during 1997/1998 world financial crisis, he was able to pull through with his family, employees and friends. He is a role model for me as a parent for my 3kids. This will be the 2nd year i missed the father's day celebration with you due to COVID. Love you, dad.

I LOVE MY DADDY BECAUSE he brought life and light upon me, even when I don't know what life is all about, what hope and faith is all about, when he looks into my eyes and I do the same, he sees the universe in me. Having brought a being onto this earth, the sacrifices and sweat he goes through each day just to raise me and never fails to put a smile on my face. Even when I know he's down, he doesn't show because he doesn't want to hurt me. I LOVE MY DADDY BECAUSE no matter how hard the struggle is, he never gives up! ❤

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I love my dad because he worked very hard for the family to bring me and my brothers up! I love my dad because i saw him being very filial to my elderly grandparents when his siblings chose to ignore. Despite his busy work schedule, he will make time to bring my elderly grandparents for their medical appointments and ensuring that their health is in check. I love my dad because he is the best dad i can ever ask for!

I love my father because he is very special in my heart. He taught me to be grateful, thankful and stay humble. Although my father didn't finish his primary school ,he had helped his 9 younger siblings till they all graduated from university. It was really hard and big responsibility for him with 3 young kids at that time but he always try to help others without the expectation of receiving anything in return.

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