I would love to hold a party for my son. The problem is, we have no friends nor family. Naturally my husband and I are very quiet and private. That explains that my son only has his classmates for his social life. Who can I invite aside from his classmates to have playmates with him? I'm being very skeptical, who would come to the party without even being acquaintance with the parents. Would you bring your lo for a free party?

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My son is the same, we actually had his second birthday at home and then enrolled him the month after heh. All we did was just do the things he love the most, and eat what he likes the most :) For childcare centres, usually they only allow cake cutting - and some parents don't allow their kids to eat the cake either. If you want to, one way would be to get a simple halal-certified cake for school - then maybe some simple goodie bags for his friends. BUT, include things that would be useful and NO food/snacks - usually things like wooden puzzles, wet bags etc. would be nice :) If you have more budget, you can also consider experience gift cards/vouchers for his friends - can be anything from a trip to The Polliwogs, or just a simple ZooMoov ride gift card! If you are considering a party outside, it may be a little hard because most parents would be busy at work/other commitments - so they may not be able to make it for a party. However, if you give experience gifts with a longer/no expiry - they can plan their own family time :)

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How about teaching him to share the joy by inviting children (like maybe about 10) from the needy or Low income family who might not have a chance to celebrate or attend a party. I plan to do it for my girls. However you do have to prepare not to receive any expensive gifts but nicely handmade cards/present with lot of blessings for your child. My husband and I are quiet person too so we normally celebrate our festival by donating food to old folk home etc.

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I think a party with his classmates is fantastic!! It's for your son not for the adults so no need to have so many frens or adults. Just invite family and close frens and his close frens. Keep it a small affair is good

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Yes he is. The school does not allows party. Only the cake blowing. Any other ideas?

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Is your LO in childcare? If yes, just do the party in school will do!