8 Replies

I had sore breasts and shortness of breath with exertion during my regular activities in my first trimester. Light bumping or touching would cause pain in my boobs, and even lying on my side was not comfortable cause they will be pressed. I omitted wearing a bra at home and that helped to some extent. Loose clothing or uniqlo bra tops are my alternatives. If those are possible, you can consider. I do have asthma and allergic nose, so I did self-medicate (all my meds are okay to take during pregnancy). I moderated all my exercises and rested when I don't feel too good. I mostly let the symptoms run its course. The symptoms went away by second tri (gradually, it wasn't all well overnight). If you do get sharp pain or your breathlessness is interrupting your daily life/ comes on even at rest, perhaps you'd like to seek medical attention?

I stopped wearing underwire bras during the day. I also wore bras without underwire to sleep for support and it proved to be more comfortable when I needed to toss and turn.

Mine is painful if theres pressure on it. And yes to breathless! Good luck 💕

It will feel sore...Maybe can talk to your gynae if you're really concerned

Super Mum

If it’s really bad, you can try putting a cold pack on it

Breast would get a little sore, but not exactly painful

VIP Member

If pain persists do consult your gynaecologist

VIP Member

Maybe change the bra?

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