May i know if anyone regret abortion despite being determined to do so in the first place?

Yes i do have my regrets. Abortion is something one person can NEVER erase it from their mind. Even till now, you are pregnant with your first child (which u intend to keep) doctor will still ask you. first baby? Any abortion or miscarriage before? It's still haunting me even with my 3rd baby now. Each time you go to the emergency for pregnancy related. They would ask you. how many babies before? (those aborted also counted) Sighs.
Read moreI have a friend who had an abortion. And she told me she often had nightmares even though it has passed so many years ago. I'm sure it's not easy. And even if nothing surfaces now. One day it will still come out and resurface. We can't run from ourselves.
it must be hard for your friend. was it something she does not want but pressurized to do it?