I am an Indian house-wife with two kids, but I really want to pick up some life skills that will help me when my kids grow up. What should I take up?

You just listed so many qualities that adding any other "life skill" would be redundant. You are not only a strong Indian woman, but also a home-maker taking care of the house, your two kids, and your family as a whole. Having said that if you are really keen to take up a life skill that you feel would help your kids, the best would be reading. if you aren't a reader yet, join a book club and start with reading a minimum of one book per month. Graduate to two per month and develop good reading skills. This will not only rub off on your kids, but also help them understand and see for themselves the wonderful world of literature. A well-spoken and well-read child can communicate better and being knowledgeable is of course, an added benefit. Second, if there was a vocation you always wanted to learn, now is the time. Taking up dancing or singing or even painting etc, can help you learn time management even better and you can teach your kids the same as well. Plus, it also helps that your knowledge of your vocation can be passed on to your kids.
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