Hi, I am in my week 7 now. Currently no symptoms at all. Still feel energetic. Just like normal day. Is this normal ? I hear that there shld be some symptoms, but I do not have any. I am concern is it due to weak pregnancy or ? I am only seeing doc next week to check for heartbeat but feel worried to know if this is normal. Thanks

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Hey don’t worry so much! My SIL was pregnant with twins and had ZERO pregnancy symptoms at all. Some of my friends who were pregnant before also had no symptoms at all too to the point I felt if it was even normal for ME to have symptoms cause people around me aren’t getting any. Hahaha. All pregnancies are different, you’re just one of the lucky ones, embrace that instead! ❤️

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very normal! u’re one of the lucky ones, don’t have to deal with nausea and all that haha. my friend didn’t even know she was pregnant, she has irregular menses all along, pregnant no bump no symptoms just one day she suddenly had very bad “cramps” n felt off so she went to the doctor, she was already in labour & waterbag broke

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Don worry. you are just blessed. Please be happy, eat healthy, do walking, no running do some not intensive homework to keep fit. I am happy and blessed and in my 3tri now. Jiayou mummies. Positive bribe is equally important.

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Yeah, consider yourself lucky. I didn’t have any symptoms myself in the first trimester except for heightened sense of scent, which made me avoid anything with a strong smell.

It’s normal not to worry. I didn’t experience much symptoms until around 4 months when my tummy is growing bigger and I started feeling bloated and have acid reflux.

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It's alright. I started feeling pregnancy symptoms only at around 8-9 weeks. Before that, it's just frequent urination. So don't worry and take care :)

For my first pregnancy I have zero symptoms, but for the second vomited like crazy. Each pregnancy differs don't worry mummy!

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I only experience slight cramping, other than that, all as per normal too. I'm into my 7weeks too

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Same here. Currently 11 weeks with no symptoms. Only swollen breasts.