Week 7 and no symptoms

Hello fellow mummy to be. I’m now at week 7. Is it still normal not to have any symptoms? Does anyone is like me do not have any symptoms? All I felt is just slight cramping. #advicepls #pleasehelp #firstpreganancy

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yes ! its perfectly normal to not feel any symptom, there are cases whereby you go thru the entire pegnancy without having any symptoms. If it worries you , do drop by to your gynae to check up on you :)

1y ago

Thank you. I had my first scan last week at week 6. Saw the little baby and flashing heartbeat. 🥰 Didn’t listen to the heartbeat yet as doc told us it was still too early to listen to the heartbeat and will be dangerous too. We will be going back again in 2 weeks time. Praying all is good. 🙏🏻

No symptoms for me. What did the doctor say about the cramps? Is it an effect of IVF? Just text the doctor to ask if you are worried. They know better..

1y ago

Oh ok, take care. Don’t worry too much. You will hear baby’s heartbeat soon ☺️

No symptoms for me throughout entire pregnancy. Except I remember that I had a hunger surge in first trimester, instead of morning sickness

I didn’t have any symptoms thru out pregnancy except for sore boobs and braxton hicks late second trimester~

Did you miscarry before? Not sure if cramps is common.

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yes, totally normal