I in my 18weeks and everyday i have this lower abdominal pain and lower back aching. Even my right side near hip there pain. When i never move its mild but everytime i move like walkimg it hurts. Is it normal mummies?

Not sure if they are two different things going on for you. Around that stage I had some round ligament pain at my lower abdominal/pelvic area. For the lower back and hip, might be ligament and nerve issues, which I'm facing now but I'm in late pregnancy. For me it's sciatic nerve pain which I already have on and off pre-preg but it's a lot worse now. It's more painful when I walk, move and turn to certain positions. There are a few things that I'm doing that helped but I'm not sure if that's what you're experiencing!
Read moreBest to consult a gynaecologist asap take care!