I have no feeling to have sex since pregnant until now (baby is 6th month now). We have no sex for 1+yrs.. Is it normal? Tried once after pregnancy but failed. As my breast is full of milk =.='' And I have no feeling to have sex anymore. As I got satisfaction from breastfeeding? I scared it may affect our relationship... should i stop breastfeeding soon?

I resumed sex when baby was 4 months old. For me, I was worried about the wound pain and need some times to conquer the fear. But after I resumed, actually it was not as bad as I thought. I think it is very normal to have low sex desire after having baby as you are exhausted to take care of baby during the daytime. However, as much as you love your baby, you should take care of your husband too. You can find ways to trigger your sex desire, e.g. touching and etc. that both of you feel comfortable. You can talk to you husband about your feelings so he can accommodate too. As for the breasts full of milk, you can pump out the milk before the activity and this works for me too. You will find your vagina is a bit dry due to breastfeeding and you can use non-petroleum based lubricant to ease the pain. It is not necessary to stop breastfeeding at all.
Read moreI think it's pretty normal to feel this way. During my third trismester onwards, I had absolutely zero interest in having sex although I had other mummy friends who were pretty active still. I just felt heavy and tired all the time. After baby was borned, I felt even more tired out and because I was also struggling with breastfeeding, the thought of engaging in any sexual activities never even cross my mind. I guess what you are feeling is pretty normal, and like Jamie suggested, it's important to talk to your husband about it in case he feels left out or excluded by the new baby.
Read moreI breastfeed exclusively and do not have any sexual feelings from feeding my child. Stopping breastfeeding may not instantly revive your sex drive. Why don't you book a staycation and leave your baby with trusted relatives or a nanny? You can store expressed milk so your baby still gets milk to drink. It is natural. My sex drive has dipped as well, but I have never once felt that feeding my child was sexual.
Read moredon't stop the breastfeeding as there is no guarantee that it will help resume your interest in sex. i would suggest please speak to him directly. in the meanwhile, try and spend time as a couple by doing non-sexual things, such as cuddling up, holding hands and watching a movie, kissing, spending time otherwise together. also, keep the communication open, as it will let you both stay connected to each other.
Read moreSuper normal! I have tons of mummy friends and most (if not all) viewed sex as a chore in the first 3-4 months. You're exhausted, you're body is still healing, and breastfeeding takes up time, energy and makes you feel less lubricated. Talk to hubby about it and give him an indication to when you think you guys will resume having sex. Don't let this topic be the big elephant in the room.
Read moreplease don't stop breastfeeding just because you are not interested in sex yet. it is a very normal phase and most new moms go through it. the reason is the many ups and downs in your hormone level. your body is just taking time to heal, so let it. talk to your hubby and spend a lot of time together, even if it doesn't involve sex.
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Some mums feel the same was as yours too. The key is you need to find what turn you on. Do it constantly until it 'wake' you up. When you have the feeling, its easier to do it. Remember, sex is about mind game too :)
no worries. my husband and i didnt had sex for 2 years. i continued my breastfeeding for it.