Why do almost everyone like to ask whether the delivery is natural or not?
I get this question quite a lot after I delivered. It upsets me because I had an emergency csect.

Nothing to be upset. People find common topics to talk about, if its csect, they might ask about recovery etc. If its natural, they might ask other stuff. Dont be so sensitive. If you have judgemental people ard you, apart from delivery qns, they can judge on everything so we should not he affected. C sect? I say wow, I am brave and I paid hefty price. Natural? Wow I am still brave, I just pay lesser. Haha breastfeed? Great because its free! Formulae? Great too cuz hassle-free! Dont because of some judgemental people that you find all questions to you irritating. Some of us is purely being concern. :)
Read moreDon’t worry about it so much. They are just curious on your experience. Every pregnancy experience is unique and they just want to compare to what they’ve experienced or probably want to know what the are going to experience. When someone mentioned csec to me, normally I will ask “why” to understand if my conversation partner has been going through difficult pregnancy.
Read morePeople will always judge and compare but pay no mind to what they say! Should be proud to share your childbirth story, no matter if it’s natural or c-sect. Either way, we’re equally strong to have gone through the life-threatening yet wonderful moment.
If people just ask I don't think they're being judgemental :) maybe they just want to know or just finding topic to talk about.
It normal, just want to start a conversation. Some people want to learn, know the bill etc whereas some may want to show concern.
it's normal they tend to judge but they don't understand what we been through just ignore it 😊
not sure why. I had emergency csec too, and there's people telling me that I'm not a real mother
that's normal. sometimes they just wanna know more about it... knowledge