Can I Take Chia Seeds Throughout Pregnancy?
I am currently 6w4d, but I am already having constipation since w5.

I am currently 25 weeks and had constipation since week 6 as well. The problem is I also have low level of ion, so I have to take 2 ion tablets everyday which makes it worse. A colleague of mine delivered baby recently, she had the same problem during pregnancy. The thing is her baby is having strong allergy now, she went to specialist and they recommend to take probiotics if she’s going to have another baby in the future. For my case, I feel a lot better now after taking kefir drink with fruit, my genae gave me laxative but it didn’t help at all. Kefir is the only thing that helped me out.
Read moreMy wife has suffered from this during her pregnancy and she found that oats, fruit and yoghurt really helped to provide some relief. Hope that helps you too.
Yup you can, chia seeds might help. Even it doenst help in easing constiparion, it has other benefits which is good to have esp during pregnancy.
Yes, Chia seeds are good but take in moderation as overeating is also not good.
Let ur gynae know. He will prescribe some medicine for u.
I eat guava . It helps for me