4 Replies

I could see their heart flickering for both my pregnancies. Firstborn first scan was 5w 4d and currently second pregnancy first scan was at 5 weeks. But usually doc will ask you to come back cause when you scan at that week, it’s really tough to estimate the due date. And for both pregnancies when I came back for the second scan, the difference was calculated by adding on a week.

I think usually 5 weeks, sometimes can’t even see fetus.. that time I was 5 weeks, my doc dont want scan me cos she said won’t be able to see anything. Told me to wait for week 7/8 to scan.

I just had an ultrasound done this morning. At 5W1D, the ultrasound only shows a gestational sac. Guess it’s still pretty early.

Heartbeat is 6 weeks onwards then can detect via ultrasound.

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