Dry skin on LO
Hi all, can i check lately my LO has super dry skin on his face and now, his body is starting to get dry too. Which moisturiser is good and what causes the sudden dry skin? Tia!

alobaby very good! it works very well for my sensitive baby. if my baby skin become abit flaky I will apply alobaby follow by ceradan barrier cream. this 2 is the best combo especially when I went Japan winter time with baby her skin still very good even we are back
I use alobaby. super good. my baby skin gets alot alot better. i somehow know this because mummy j says she uses those. went PD say have eczema but im still in denial if my son has them. so yes.. Alobaby saved my baby skin.
I use the lotion and face cream from Mustela soothing line, which has no fragrance. Could be a case of eczema? Better to check with a doctor if not sure.
I used four cow farm’s lotion and also the calendula remedy. It works on my baby’s dry skin
My pd recommend olive oil or coconut oil, jus apply on dry area.. even on dry scalp also ok..
This is the best. My son used too have rough dry skin and i used this it helps

Paralin is good for rashes
Aveeno baby moisturiser