
6 Replies

I don't know of any superstition that actually came true - the 4 months of keeping mum is likely due to the higher chance of miscarriage, so people wait till the pregnancy is more stable now before circulating. I think beating the 60% odds for IVF implantation is cause for celebration. I waited until after my Oscar to announce to wider group of friends though, as I intend to abort if there's any defects and it'll be awkward to inform that to religious/pro-lifer friends.

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It is really up to you, when you feel ok to disclose and who you want to share the news with. Hope you have a smooth pregnancy jouney!

More of a risk than superstition. Coz you don’t know everything is normal until certain weeks after the necessary tests


i dont observe any superstitions & my kids turn out fine. it's up to each individual's comfort level πŸ™πŸ’•


I shared every stage with my close one and my 2 babies are healthy πŸ˜‰

thanks for assuring! πŸ₯°

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