Did a pelvic ultrasound today. Saw a gestational sac with 0.62mm. Doctor then said the pregnancy isnt confirm yet and not sure that itll progress. I was shocked and now worried. She cant even tell me how many weeks I am (but based on my menstral day is 5 weeks). Not sure how to feel. T.T. feel extremely worried now.
Same here. But its my first time to my PT was positive cus my menses really didnt came out then Few days later after my work out there is a blood came out but the next day didnt come out.. i took many Pt with different brand its positive. But since i got this cramps and with little bit blood discharge i went to see doctor. But gyne cant see it in ultrasound.
Read moreWeek 5 is way too early to see a fetal pole. Still so tiny. Although some people can already see, some cannot. Think positive alright! Start on your folic acid. Come back for another scan around week 8 or so. By then you'll see and even hear the heartbeat.