i am 38+5w pregnant and for the past 3 days i've been getting horrible sickly back cramps and period type pains but I haven't noticed a pattern, I am trying to stay active by going for walks but i have to stop every 5 mins as my bump feels really heavy. Could this be an early sign of labour?

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Early signs of labour that you can look out for (http://www.motherandbaby.co.uk/pregnancy-and-birth/birth/getting-ready-for-birth/the-early-labour-signs-you-need-to-look-out-for): - Your waters break - Heartburn relief - Backache - You have a ‘show’ - Your nipples leak - Diarrhoea - Swollen down below - Frequent toilet stops - Sudden burst of energy - Walking differently - Contractions Here’s another very useful article highlighting the main points to take note of: http://sg.theasianparent.com/4-pre-labour-symptoms/ From this article, the most common four signs of labour are: - Persistent lower back or abdominal pain, often accompanied by a crampy premenstrual feeling - Vaginal bleeding called show (a brownish or blood-tinged mucus discharge). If you pass out the mucus plug that blocks the cervix, labour could be imminent or days away - Painful contractions that occur at regular intervals, each lasting only 30 seconds - Clear water flowing from the vagina (broken water bag), but you’re in labour only if it is accompanied by painful contractions And you should contact your doctor immediately if: - Your water bag breaks, or if you suspect you’re leaking amniotic fluid your baby is moving less than usual. - You have vaginal bleeding (unless it’s just a small amount of blood-tinged mucous). - You have fever, severe headaches, and changes in your vision and/or abdominal pain. The backaches and cramps that you are experiencing seemed like one of the early signs. Watch out for regular contractions, which are sure signs of labour.

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