Does your husband help you take care your kids at home?
Does your husband help you take care your kids at home?
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Yes, he's very helpful
Not really

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Yup, the most helpful one. He is a great daddy. Doing baby thing from A-Z. Very understanding. Always accompany me breastfeed our baby every night. And he is the one who change our baby diapers every night. I cant imagine my life without him.

Alhamdulillah.. Yes. He helped a lot even though he never had any experience of taking care of child before. I adore his efforts on getting involve in positive parenting too. 😊

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Bergilir dan tolak ansur.. Ikut masa. Masa masak, suami jaga anak2.. Suami mengemas kita pulak jaga anak2... 😁💕

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always listening to my request thanks hubby ♥️ #TAPXTanamera

Now mama kerja papa stay at home .so full day aafiya with papa..

Hopefully 😊😘 #TAPxTanamera #TAPsupermoms

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Yes his very helpful...saranghae❤

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Yes, sometimes. 😂

jarang jarang jew

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