4 Replies

I would think your priorities could have been shifted. Previously before having kids, it's just the two of you enjoying each other's company. But with kids, they have become you and your husband's priorities. More time are spent on the kids than before. Both of you may want to find time every night to have little chat after your kids are asleep? Or finding time for "dates" on weekends. Otherwise, you can take half day off to go for nice lunch or movie together with your husband if it's not easy to do "dates" on weekends. Communication is a pretty vital part of a relationship. All the best! :)

Personally, I don't think it is "gone" per se (more like burning low?). Mainly because we often get so comfortable with each other and everything simply becomes a routine. I would suggest picking up a new activity that both are interested in. Learning something new is exciting in itself, and learning together may help you to discover (or rediscover) a side of your partner that you hardly sees now. If not, going on a trip may serve the same purpose as well. :)

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ditto jacq ^ for us seems like hotels bathtubs and room service seem to work. I don't know maybe my wife just like hotels

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