How soon is it safe for intercourse after giving birth?

I had cesarean - two, in fact! And I don't really remember, but I think with both pregnancies it took nearly 3 months 'til I was ready to get back in the sack with my husband. I was worried about my wound so I waited until my doctor gave me the go-signal for sex. I think that's what's important. Wait for your doctor to say you're ready. Usually 4-6 weeks after birth, a woman is ready to have sex again - since she's given any tears time enough to heal, the cervix to close, and for the postpartum bleeding to stop. But I recommend focusing on healing first. It's about how you emotionally feel as well. If you're not feeling too randy, either because you're stressed, you lack sleep, too worried about breastfeeding or simply not feeling sexy at all, then don't force yourself. Sex may be about physical pleasure - but to get there, the feeling of pleasure starts from within. If your husband is eager to make love, there are other ways to pleasure each other than good ole copulation. Take the opportunity that post-partum period brings to experiment ;)
Read moreI gave birth to my kids via c-section. I waited until my wound was healed - that took approximately 2 months, before having sex. But to be honest, I felt a bit dry and tight down there, it was a bit uncomfortable when hubby and I were having sex. But I didn't bleed or anything. It was just uncomfortable.
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