My hub prefers a girl for our 4th. I don't mind any as long as my baby is well and healthy. We already had 2 girls and a boy. My mum said I carried a girl based on the shape of my belly but my sisters said otherwise. I knew I was having a boy because I had a terrible morning sickness, just like I had before when I was pregnant with my son, the 3rd. My hub was kind of dissapointed just like he did with our 2nd (he was expecting a boy but we had a girl). Then we had a complications with our pregnancy. I had to deliver our baby preterm and it was the most painful labour ever. He said he has never seen me in that kind of pain before (epidural did not work on me). And he ends up loving this baby as much as our grown up children. Our baby is a bouncy and very active 8 mth old infant today.