How much is a stay in maid (domestic maid) in Singapore? Both Filipinos and Indonesia maid? How much upfront fee to pay and what's their monthly salary like? I am looking for a maid to help with house chores and baby laundry..

It depends on the agency. I have been using crislo for their Indon maids for the pass few years. Their agency fees for experienced maid is $1388, then there are insurance of $268, and miscellaneous fees etc. normally for exp maids, their loan amount is shorter than new maids. In short, total amount is ard $3.5 to $4k including agency fees, insurance, runaway bond and maid's upfront loan. as my maid has no off no hp, I have to pay additional for their off days. Exp Indon is $600 exclude off days, new is $550 excluding off.
Read moreTo add on to what Chin Yin have mentioned, different agencies have different agency fee and different charges. I've an example quotation from one of the agencies. Also not forgetting, we have to pay monthly levy for foreign domestics helper of $265. If you are eligible for young child or grandchild scheme,aged person scheme or persons with disabilities scheme then your levy you pay will be $60 per month.
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different agency different price moreover now covid it's more expensive. the last check before covid Indo was about 3k plus almost 4k Filipino about 4k plus a bit. but I've hear now covid the price about 5k
Salary between $550-850 depending on their experience and nationality