How much is a stay in maid (domestic maid) in Singapore? Both Filipinos and Indonesia maid? How much upfront fee to pay and what's their monthly salary like? I am looking for a maid to help with house chores and baby laundry..

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It depends on the agency. I have been using crislo for their Indon maids for the pass few years. Their agency fees for experienced maid is $1388, then there are insurance of $268, and miscellaneous fees etc. normally for exp maids, their loan amount is shorter than new maids. In short, total amount is ard $3.5 to $4k including agency fees, insurance, runaway bond and maid's upfront loan. as my maid has no off no hp, I have to pay additional for their off days. Exp Indon is $600 exclude off days, new is $550 excluding off.

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