How Long your LO use a milk bottle for?

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I change it every 3-6 months, because it can get invisible hairline cracks and microplastics/chemicals will start leaking out after - generally I change once the markings start to fade! As a whole, my LO is 25 months old and still using milk bottles :)

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mine is 15 mo and he is still using a bottle but he has sippy cups too!

Depends on how it is being cleaned... Change every 6m if possible

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It’s advisable to change every 6 months or so...

I only change when the bottles start turning yellow.

7y ago

Will babies use bottle until 2 years old?

VIP Member

i only change once it turns yellowish

VIP Member

i use it for 6months then i change!

7y ago

OUr Los will use milk bottle until 2 years old?

6 months and change

Till a year.