How long did you take to fully recover from caesarean, based on your experience? How long did you avoid carrying heavy things? Any tips for faster recovery?

I just had my C-section done a few weeks back. I try to avoid carry heavy stuffs at the 1st month. For faster wound recovery, i did more walking and scratching. External wound will take abt a mth to recover. But, if you ask me on the overall (inner and external) wounds recovery, it will take years to recover as our gyne cut through 7layers of our skin to have our LO delivered safely in our hands.
Read moreAfter a month I feel I am back to my normal body but it is not fully healed inside. I'm 14months pp and still do not carry heavy things except for my 12kg baby.☺️
I'm 6 month pp I sti feel pain inside even till now. I only manage to carry heavy stuff after 4th month.