how long to put for crawling for 9 month baby
Hi, how long do u put your 9 months baby on the floor for crawling in a day? Im doing 2 sessions of 20 mins. Is it enough?

Every time my baby is awake, she goes to the playmat to play and crawl around till breastfeeding time/meal time. She’s super active so she’s already standing and climbing everywhere too. Hence the play yard+mat is the safest for her. Heh. What does your baby do during the rest of the time in the day?
Read moreI put my boy in big playpen with floor mat in the living room since he start showing signs of crawling till he can climb out on his own. No restriction to how long he crawl.. put some safe toys for him to play. At times, we join him in play pen and play with him
My baby can't sit quietly so I let him crawl whenever he like as long he is within my vicinity. But I will put him inside walker or crib when I bath and using bathroom.
I let my baby all she want and will put her in walker sometimes too
Mother of two