My Lo is one month old.How Long is the duration for breastfeed(latch)? 30mins? 1 hr? Or 2hr?

Depends how quickly baby drinks. Usually around half an hour would be appropriate? Not an exact value, just a rough gauge. But e.g. if bf for over an hour, that would be way too long. It'll hurt your nipps and baby is just suckling for comfort by then.
My lactation consultant advised me to train baby to be an efficient drinker from the start. Usually 10 to 15 minutes on each breast and she will be done. Max probably 20minutes. She got more efficient as she grew
Many newborns breastfeed for 10–15 minutes on each breast. But they also can nurse for longer periods (sometimes 60–120 minutes at a time) .
Depends on the baby. Normally baby will latch till his full
I latch my baby on each side for 15 mins hence total 30mins
Mine about 15 mins on one side then she unlatch by herself
As long as she want. Can be 1hr.
My baby latched for 1.5-2hrs
It depends on individual
You mean latch or pump?
Teddy’s & Toby’s mummy