How long do you change baby milk bottles?

Their lifespan is about 1/2 a year, same goes to breastmilk storage container. Some can last till 1 year. Depend on how often you use too, as some mummies latch and bottle feed, hence the bottle can last longer. The teat have to change about 3 months. If there is scratches on the bottles, you may need to change as it 'll released toxin. During the baby fair, or you see sales promoter, can ask them about their lifespan. Different brand lifespan different. Medela bottle thinner, lifespan is shorter. The last time i ask them, if didn't heard wrongly is 3 months.
Read moreI am using Avent bottles and I highly recommend them! I see no signs that they are deterioriating or getting broken. It's a bit pricey but a good investment. You will be able to use this for a long long time and you can even sell them eventually! I see many second hand Avent bottles being sold online. :)
Read moreIt's been 4 months and I haven't change any. But recently found out that some of my friends have been changing every 3 months!
Every 6 months for the milk bottle. Every 3 months for its teat.
never. my baby bottles r made of stainless steel
Thanks all mummies!!!
6 months ~