Sterilize milk bottles
Will be bringing my 7mo baby for staycation at a hotel. How do you sterilize milk bottles in hotel?

I bought a portable UV steriliser bag for breast pump accessories and milk bottle for holiday and work. u can google 59s. I will use hot water rinse first then put inside this bag for double sterilise
You can try using cold water steriliser tablets (Milton) or use the kettle to boil hot water but have to ensure that the bottle is completely submerged for 10 min
I bring my own portable mini kettle cook hot water and sterilised when I'm overseas.
can try asking the hotel if they have sterilizer available (: some hotels do(:
Boil water in the air flask and use the hot water
steriliser tablets! or a portable uv steriliser.
own portable mini kettle and sterilizer
pigeon sells sterilise tablets too.
Hot water
hot water