3 Replies

My mom was always making sure that I have a raincoat in my bag during my grade school years. I remember, she was even buying new ones twice a year to excite me. One funny trivia: There were times when I was a kid that I would stay in our garden and wait for the rain. Why? To try my new raincoat! Consider it weird but I was in love with the feeling of getting it drenched by the rain.

Yes, vitamin C or multivitamins for the kids. Plus of course, don't forget the raincoats, kiddie boots and umbrella. Also don't forget to remind them not to play in the rain when you're not watching. Some kids tend to play in the rain when parents aren't watching. Once they get home from school, always check if they have been soaked in water and change immediately.

Always prepare their raincoats and rainboots whether they have service or not. Also, give them vitamin c! :)

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