9 Replies
Ideally your child needs to be 4 years and above to truly appreciate and understand the activities offered. You may want to visit their website for info on operating hrs etc as sometimes they will close for maintenance etc
Hi, Please go to the kidzania website for more information. You can also have a tour by looking at the youtube videos of Kidzania
You can redeem the KidZania points here and go wit your kiddo and have a ball. Their website will have all the details you need.
Check this out https://ticketing.kidzania.com.sg/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjOebj4aG4wIVTB0rCh3amQILEAAYASAAEgKDa_D_BwE
Hi... you can visit their website at www.kidzania.com.sg to get the information
You can redeem Kidzania ticket from rewards tab if u have sufficient points
You can go to their website to get more details
Redeem your points
Try its website