Explaining the word discipline at this age can only be done by sighting examples each time he/she behaves badly with you or anyone. If the child misbehaves with you and doesn't want to understand, let that be, and next time when he/she asks for something you answer or behave in the same way as he/she may have done. And when the kid feels bad, tell him that this is how you felt when he misbehaved or didn't listen. Be gentle in conveying the message to the kid and when you think he has got the point, hug him. With my son, when omitting like this happens, we when sort out the things, make a deal that when I misbehave, he will remind me that I am not supposed to behave like that and visa-versa. Eventually, kid will understand discipline, and you will not have to define the word categorically.
Hi! Maybe not the word discipline as I believed even adults are having a hard time to understand the word "discipline" and the rest that comes with it. Perhaps you can teach your child how they wanted to be treated. In relation to respect. For example you can start it from teaching him/her how to "Wait". Let's say your child wants to interrupt you from speaking. Instead of saying no, tell your child you will set a timer and if the timer rings. He/She can start talking and you will have your full attention to him/her. In that way you are teaching your child sense of respect by showing him/her that you respect time, promises and you keep your words. The main key is consistency. You can give it a try! :) Wish you luck!
Hi Mommy Glizelle, I think your child is already under pre-school age since he or she is already turning 5 years old. Anyway what I do is that I tell my kids that discipline is needed to teach child what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. We as parents need to discipline our kids to keep them safe and for them to get along with other people, may it be a playmate or an adult. If he or she knows how to follow rules, he or she will have a good sense of self-control which will lead to him or her making wise decisions in the future.
Thanks mommy for the correction and the answer as well :)
glizelle leonardo