How do you handle situation when you husband is in temper?

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Initially, we used to fight like cats. none of us would give in. But every passing year as we started turning old, the thought that let us not make it bad started setting in. Not that we do not yell at each other at all, but after few minutes, we regain sanity. Now, I stop saying anything, and let him yell, talk whatever. And I would not talk for sometime, and later in the evening or over the phone, we put across each other's point. I guess, written messages can do a lot of talking at such times. And instead of speaking whole lot of things trying to explain your point and getting tired, it is better to later on (when you both become cool), drop a message putting your point. And it works both ways, and you understand, and even if you don't you feel nice that the other person is bothered and wants things to get to normal. also, saying sorry over a text is much more easy than face to face. ;p

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